Call of Duty Ghosts Popular Again

Call of Duty: Ghosts (Video Game 2013) Poster

8 /10

I do not get why it is hated.

(Talking most base game, no DLC'south)

I see that this game is hated. But to me it is a pretty skillful game. I e'er institute it fun. People complain about lag when to me I never experienced lag and I played on Xbox 360. The online was fun, plain you lot will take the campers and what non but that's just the equation to make a COD game. The maps I encounter are complained about a lot and I get that. They are pretty big and you volition get life after life without getting kills. But of grade after a while of playing you tin can get used to the maps. Adding onto the multiplayer the lean feature. You lot haven't seen that in a COD game before. Or if it was in it, information technology was removed or but forgotten about in afterwards games. At present onto the campaign. Honestly, it's merely boring. It's your go to be patriotic entrada. Nothing special. The story was interesting but could've been handled better. Extinction... well it'south is interesting. Merely similar the campaign could've been handled better. It'southward absurd you can take upgrades on your pistol and take unlike perks and all. Just besides that it'southward your run of the manufacturing plant "zombie" game. Simply everyone bought information technology for the multiplayer and that's by and large what the

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2 /ten

Social Degen of duty: Ghost gets shot in the back

DON'T READ IF YOU ARE A Phone call OF DUTY SOLDIER. I just bought this game so I could suffer through it's BS, that and I've been playing this franchise since 2004, it's kind of hard to just finish playing it. I become amused when people merits to be old school COD players when they started Black ops. At present, I take nothing good to say nigh this game, mainly because the god-amn thing doesn't work when ever I endeavour to play it. Most of the issues from BLOPS two return, plus they had another game breaking ones every bit well.

The story and survival: The story way is well-nigh equally ridiculous as Homefront, information technology'due south your standard American fist bumping, teaching the kiddies to be patriotic and violent. The survival with aliens is flat out lack luster, zombies got old later on two games, this got former afterwards two minutes. Story gets 0 out of five stars. Survival gets I out of 5 stars. Off to a keen showtime so far IW.

Multiplayer, the only reason anyone bought the game, which was a pretty weak reason to begin with. Here are the flaws I have discovered in the mear hr and a half I have played, or should I say, I could just play considering information technology hasn't worked in two days. That IW, it'due south good to know the millions of people on PS3 don't deserve your sectional platinum quality that you give to Microsoft. Flaws: 1. Maps are too damn big, and have no rhyme or reason. 2. This mans army is full of children. 3. The lag is the aforementioned former same old. 4. The graphics expect like they are from 2008. 5. The single player is moronic and ho-hum. 6. Non a single one of the faults I addressed beneath were even considered, except for the limp ass specialist. vii. Spawns are likewise shut on the big maps, you always get shot in the back or spawn where y'all only died. 8. Same gun sound effects used in every other IW game. 9. Strip club map for the niggling 12 year olds to giggle at. 10. Dogs can impale you lot from x feet abroad 11. Maps are thee worst in series history. 12. Every body hates it already. Likewise the maps and camping ground, the biggest problem is IW has tailored this game for campers, it literally forces yous to "accommodate" to their new formula. Rushers get punisher, while MLG pro campers get rewarded.

Here's a paragraph from my "CoD ghosts sucks" list, it describes how the game plays for me. Information technology's been ii days of trying to become this game to piece of work again, it worked on Friday, but hasn't worked since. Activision is a joke, aforementioned sh-t happens every year. But unlike the terminal fews years were I could actually join a match and play, this year information technology only freezes in the lobby right when the match timer runs out. When I enter kill confirmed, it freezes instantly. When I enter team expiry match, the lobby works only fine and I tin hear people talking. The timer runs out, and it freezes. I've searched for hours on the cyberspace for people with the same problems, there's a lot of them. Hell, my figurer may have a virus at present, all because this stupid ass game refuses to piece of work. I'm stuck with this until February, no BF4, no Killzone Shadow Autumn, merely a 120 dollar game that doesn't work. How am I supposed to return a hardened edition, EB games won't have it dorsum and give me a new ane. Speaking of EB games, how many god damn times to I have to buy a game from them, that is either cracked or defective.

I take confirmed that all core COD fans have left already, and that all pre-MW3 fans don't give a sh-t any more. And then that leaves factual show that 12 years olds are the only ones left, and the unfortunate adults that.... hide in corners and head glitch for a KD ratio IN A VIDEO GAME, WHAT DOES THAT Become YOU IN THE REAL.

If yous want my total thoughts and rants most the game, get bank check out my list. As I am writing this, I am thinking of trying to become get the game to piece of work, even though my efforts are futile. The game is a complete disaster, but the COD nerds will even so defend it with their lives. Well, I'one thousand off to go run into if this game will work.

Nov. 13th/14th update: So I got the game to work on the 12th, and accept put eight and a half hours in and so far. The multi-histrion is broken across repair, y'all spawn and dice within half a 2nd at least a dozen times every hour, if information technology ain't that, you are probably just getting shot in the back. I play kill confirmed exclusively, since you can't very well count of getting kills, y'all minus well get for tags. And I consistently brute because nobody plays the objective. The guns suck, aside from the pump shoty and HB. There is barely anyone playing, I'one thousand level 32 and am already rank 10'000 in the KC play-listing. On the positive, information technology is more enjoyable than BLOPS 2, I love the Honey annoy, Tar 21, and likewise spread my fourth dimension through any garbage they through in. I haven't touched anything exterior of AR and SMG categories, squad points are deficient, to bad you couldn't just unlock them equally you progress. Stone Haven and Soveriegn are a snipers paradise, they just run around and quick telescopic you lot in a millisecond, or snipe yous beyond map with an ACOD telescopic, same sh-t different year. I've simply met 1 player who I had to boxing with for 1st place on the scoreboard. He got the better k/d, merely I always got more tags, so I claim victory.

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iii /10

My Lord... Really?

Infinity Ward really blew information technology with this game. I have never, in my entire life, hated a game as much as I detest Call of Duty Ghosts. Easily the worst COD I've always played, and arguably i of the worst games I've ever played. Permit'south start with some of the positives: Pros: Yous have the ability to physically eject the disc from your console.

Cons: Where do I start? Entrada has been done already. It seems similar to... I don't know... Every other COD created. The just divergence is there are a few moments where the cutting scenes get-go yous off doing something really absurd. And I do accept to admit that the intro to the campaign was pretty gripping. Information technology ended with an action-filled, still frustrating, level that may brand you lot wanna punch something if you're on Veteran and looking for a challenge. The rest of the missions? Basically the same former scenario where you lot're with friends to detonate some bomb or call up some intel; and of course, while you do that, information technology happens to be in a huge room with x flanking points. And so you already know where this is going. Become gear up to 'hold down this position' for ten minutes while yous get destroyed past enemy burn down.

Adjacent, let'southward talk well-nigh Squads. It's pointless, so there's that.

Next, let'south talk about Multiplayer. This is where the peak of my anger hit. WORST MP Ever PLAYED. The maps are larger than Richard Sherman'south ego. What happened to the fun and exciting maps? What happened to the open up areas? There is one map that has a lot of infinite for you lot to even see anyone before you lot get shot, and that is the castle map called Stonehaven. Yet, they managed to brand this map the worst map in the game! Information technology'S TOO BIG! Yet, every time you spawn you lot take someone camping across the map to snipe you in the face. Which I cannot even arraign the people for doing because you pretty much HAVE to employ a sniper or y'all'll go negative 25. I know why they made these maps and then big: to get the Battlefield customs even remotely interested. Permit me tell you what, leave Battlefield separate from COD. COD is for people who like fast paced, Non-Camping ground, easy to figure out gameplay that is really fun. Non this crap. Battlefield people similar this tactical stuff and the large maps brand sense for them. The spawns are god awful. The first day I played Multiplayer I got spawn killed 16 times in a row. 16!!! And on the 13th time I spawned with 3 other enemies IN THE Aforementioned PLACE.

Now, I'g not going to say I'1000 the greatest COD player alive but I am very expert. I have over a two.2 KD in every COD except World at War (since I couldn't bask that one either) and I am rocking a i.01 right now in Ghosts because of the spawns. No i has a good KD in Ghosts... and if they practise, they're cheating or camping spawns. It'due south simply the mode it goes. Sooner or later anybody is going to realize this, so then EVERYONE is going to get so upset that THEY will beginning adulterous and camping spawns; it is a snowball event that volition exist unavoidable. This volition be the commencement Call of Duty I ever sell. And actually, I feel so bad about selling it to some other poor soul to become through the same BS that I went through, which is why I'grand only gonna give it to them for free. To employ for skeet shooting. Do yourself a favor and Practise Not give this game a hazard. Unless yous enjoy getting wrecked every game, in which case, have at information technology.

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5 /10

Ghosts Doesn't Fit The Title

Hither we go again with our Phone call of Duty makers revamping the unmarried role player, multiplayer, and our brand new mode Extinction! First all COD:Ghost should be priced as a $40 and not a full on $60 game. Ghosts isn't a game y'all should be getting at present, wait until its price is lower.

The Multiplayer- Maps are huge barely finding anyone on the map, spawn- camping is way horrible in this COD, confusing customization, less weapons, useless character customization, new modes, and this happens to be the worst COD:MP I've ever played. Trust me you wanna blow your brains out.

The Singleplayer- A decent story that has some cool scenes simply the catastrophe left me with a bad taste.

Extinction- Now this manner is completely fun with challenges within a onslaught of aliens slashing out. What ruins information technology is that you merely get ane big map out of the whole game. Makes information technology a waste since you have y'all buy another $l on the season pass to go more maps.

They certain did spiral up a lot things in COD:Ghost.

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7 /ten


People hated this game because youtubers hated it so they jumped on the bandwagon

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vii /10

entertaining campaign

This was a fun entertaining game. I like the missions, the game is a skillful looking game with the graphics. The idea of the story is interesting. The game has ane of the best telephone call of duty final action sequences ever.

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6 /ten

Not Bad, But Fashion Overhyped

This game definitely has skilful things about information technology. The movement is much more fluid and smooth than all other CODs earlier it, and the updated graphics are nice, to proper name a few things. However, this game was far likewise overhyped to an outright unrealistic extent, and is nevertheless not as skillful as MW2, CoD4, BO2, any of the truly great CoD games before it, as this game still holds the many problems that have plagued CoD for a long time. (Bad Spawns, Intentional Lag, As well Low Time to Kill etc.)

Allow's talk most the dishonest 'New Engine' that was touted in many trailers. For a long fourth dimension, previous CoDs used the extremely crummy and manner outdated Quake engine to power their games. In my opinion, this engine should have been taken out back and shot after MW2 back in 2009. But yet, it remained until even Black Ops 4. Anywho, Infinity Ward stated many times that Ghosts had a 'new engine' with 'revolutionary' graphics and textures, which ended upwardly being complete bullcrap. Sure, the engine was updated (hence the overnice visuals) but was by no means a new engine. This was intentional deception from the devs and publisher's point, and I doubt anyone was impressed by this.

Now let'south cover the overhyped campaign. Many a trailer quoted 'From the academy award-winning writer of 'Traffic' Now, I haven't seen any of Mark Gaghan'south films (author in question here) and I'yard certain he's not talentless, just I think he really dropped the ball for the entrada in this game. The story feels very tension-less and underdeveloped, and the villain in question (Rorke, ugh!) is very banal and forgettable. The story is bleh, the villain and characters are mostly bleh, and the game opts for an extremely non-earned sequel bait. The campaigns of Black Ops and Black Ops II from Treyarch were nothing laurels-winning or revolutionary by whatsoever means, just at least the plots and characters, alongside presentation of these campaigns were pretty good. Infinity Ward completely dropped the ball in my view in comparison.

Now, the core moment-to-moment gameplay of the game is really pretty fun and satisfying. Withal, most of the maps are style too big and upshot in less energetic and therefore fun gameplay. Now, I'g not advocating for the slot-machine-compressed-skill-gap three-lane game blueprint that modern CoD sadly plentifully opts for these days, only instead for maps that have reasonable cover nonetheless are small enough to be casual and proceed the free energy going. Plenty of CoDs of the past have accomplished this. While most of the maps of this game do have comprehend, they lose the energy by beingness mode also big.

The Extinction mode I experience was a footling underrated and was actually an enjoyable game mode and claiming despite some issues. Infinite Warfare should have improved on this mode instead of the lazy route of dropping it for Zombies. (which needed refinement of it'south ain from WaW to BO1 for it's success)

Is this game worth going out of your way to play? No. Does it have some skillful things about it and some enjoyment to be had? Aye.

A decent game, but could be better and (equally title of this review already says) way overhyped.

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i /10

I swear my internet is proficient so why the lag?

This game is so buggy, and glitchly it's all over the identify like every time when I play online, when I hit a impale I end up missing even though I hitting the target simply I end up dying. It could be fun here and there but it could lag and mess upward your time to have fun. I like how they fabricated it more darker than other CoD games but doesn't save the game. BO2 was fun, probably the best but this game is a massive disapointment. I rather play Spider-Homo 3: The Game next gen then this glitch fest disaster. Not worth your time and money.

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2 /ten

Bland singleplayer, poor multiplayer and one-half-decent extinction (though not half-decent enough to redeem this game)

I would only similar to say before I begin that i am not one of those people who go around reviewing everything i star and writing comments like OMG DIS GAME SOOO BAD YO. I am a long time Call of Duty Player and have been playing since Cod iv.

I judge I'll start with the singleplayer. For those who don't know, this game is ready x years after a war where the South Americans took control of America and parts of the World. You lot play as a a modest grouping of Freedom Fighters (see: terrorists) chosen the ghosts. You also have a domestic dog though you wouldn't know it because he only appears in 1 mission. The plot is lacking. A lot. At present I'm the sort have person who tin can forgive this every bit long as the gameplay is fun but this just isn't. Here is the basic layout of each mission: Walk to point a. Killed moving ridge and bad guys. Walk to betoken b. Impale wave of bad guys. Walk to bespeak c. Kill wave of bad guys. View something that is supposed to further the story and make you hate the adversary. Terminate of mission. I recollect I've covered the story. Moving on...

Multiplayer. The Basics: If y'all are new to the series, the multiplayer is 8v8 matches on maps set up across the globe. There are multiple gamemodes like team deathmatch (first team to 75 kills win), Domination (capturing and holding flags earns points, first to 200 wins), Free-For-All (Every human for himself. start to 30) and a few others. Getting kills earns EXP. Getting plenty EXP. levels you upwardly. You can so unlock guns. non much has changed since earlier apart from the improver of team points. They're basically CoD points from BO but they at present apply to everything. Not simply attachments. Everything. I personally don't like this as it makes unlocking guns also easy and you lot could accept very powerful guns early. Maps: The maps are bad. My main problem with them is that they are very big. Like i said, 8v8 do you lot spend lots of times running effectually. the problem with this is that it promotes camping ground considering people think "Why should i spend lots of time trying to detect someone when they can come to me." This means that y'all will spend lots of fourth dimension running effectually then step into a edifice only to go shot by the guy who'd been sitting there for the terminal five minutes. You know its bad when the first kill happens 3 minutes in. The just expert maps are strikezone and Warhawk because they are more like the medium sized maps in previous CoDs. Then basically the maps are too big and everyone camps. Spawning: The thing with this game is, when you're not getting killed by a camper, you are getting killed past a dude who just spawned right behind y'all or you are spawning in front of a guy. the worst is definitely that the game doesn't recognise the Guard Dog (a dog which protects you until information technology is killed) kill streak as a player and so i in one case spawn in the spot only to get killed by a dog 6 times in a row. One time i even spawned inside the dog which was funny until it ripped me apart. To examination the spawning on the game, whenever i get a sat-com (similar a UAV but it is a placeable object on the ground) i will e'er place information technology where i spawn. Unremarkably i will work a very brusque altitude (around 1/sixth of the maps length) simply to be informed that the enemy have destroyed my SAT-COM. That has to be some of the worst spawning i have ever seen in whatsoever game. The Technical Stuff Things similar the hit detection, weapon balancing, connectedness. All perfect. It'south sort of weird that the one time they manage to get this right, the muck everything else upward.

Extinction Extinction is a mode where a group of up to four players must use a drill to become around an surface area destroying conflicting "hive'due south" Information technology's a fleck like zombies, except: The aliens exercise non appear in waves, only when the drill is placed. They exercise get progressively harder, however. It ends afterwards destroying the 14th hive and placing a nuke to accident up the final hive. Y'all create a class by picking soldier class (Weapon specialist, tank, medic and engineer) It's not equally the fun.

The reason I don't find it fun is because it will e'er be the aforementioned. With zombies y'all can experiment, y'all can play differently every time, you can actually change things around. with this you tin can change what course you lot use which slightly affects gameplay.

The Verdict. I wouldn't purchase this game. The singleplayer is irksome and the story is banal. one star. The multiplayer has bad maps and the spawning is very broken. Players don't help this by deciding that they must all military camp. The great hit detection and balanced weapons make upwardly for this though so the game gets an actress half star. Extinction is a decent gamemode to play if you've got nothing else to exercise and, despite its faults, it tin be quite good at times and so that gets the game some other half a star leaving the game at ii STARS The Final Verdict: You can infringe information technology from a friend, you can rent the game but whatsoever you lot practise don't buy information technology!

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8 /10

Very fun iteration of the Phone call of Duty franchise

Warning: Spoilers

To starting time out with, video games with recycled features aren't bad, if each iteration is fun to play. The entrada is a completely new story, and while the story isn't quite as good as the previous iterations but is still very enjoyable and entertaining experience. The main villain Rorke is entertaining enough. This campaign is outlandish simply fun. On to the multi- player. They made some improvements to the recognizable Call of Duty multi-histrion formula. For starters, they added the smallest bit of destructible environment. It is kind of weak and there is so piffling of it that information technology is difficult to notice, but it is a good start for future entries to pick upwards on. They've added many different guns, for all of yous MW3 haters out there. Also added are new maps, lockable doors, a reward that wipes out the entire map, floods, and earthquakes. The new entry in Call of Duty is as fun as ever and I recommend it to fans of the franchise.

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2 /10

CoD Ghosts (PS3 version)

Alarm: Spoilers

OK so when i knew Call of Duty Ghosts was coming out me and my partner were looking forwards to getting information technology and waited a while for it, we then saw it and purchased information technology. Information technology was the worst £40 i have ever spent. Neither of us like it, the worst thing about it was in that location was constant lag so there was no mode you could kill anyone.

I don't know if it is considering i am used to CoD Black Ops 2 considering they are very unlike to each other and i looked online as i thought "is it just u.s.a. who hates this game" and no, in fact i saw more negative than positive posts most it. I don't see why they have to change things so much.

Now don't get me wrong... i completed the campaign and it was alright, not not bad but alright, ending sucked. So i gave Extinction a try and i like that, that is the only thing i similar virtually the game, information technology is ameliorate than Black Ops Zombies but there is only ane level and if you want to purchase another Extinction level, you take to buy the full map pack at around £12.00. Why not sell Extinction maps separate because that is the only good thing to come out of this game.

Some people will prefer Ghosts over Black Ops etc and everyone is different so that is fine, it is just not for me. Fifty-fifty though according to what i have seen online... Ghosts is more hated than Black Ops so bring another Black Ops out if you lot insist on making more than CoD games.

I personally think this game should go a ii out of 10 and that two points is only for Extinction.

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A lacklustre solo player – and multiplayer more and more than it lacks a real sense of squad competition

2 years after it came out, I decided to selection upward Ghosts. Having played COD since Modern Warfare, I stopped around Black Ops – partly due to other demands on my fourth dimension, but mostly considering the games had moved so far from the sheer fun I had on COD4, that I really no longer enjoyed it. With MW3, I enjoyed the spectacle of the single player, and the fun of survival, but barely put 24 hours into the multiple histrion before getting bored – a large contrast compared to the days when COD4 was the simply game I owned, and clocked a shameful 40+ days into information technology (over several years it must be said…but it is still shameful).

With Ghosts I was one of the rare brood buying it for the entrada. I was never one to spring into multiplayer on mean solar day one, I e'er enjoyed the Michael Bay style action and OTT spectacle of the campaigns. Ghosts tries to open on this, but merely comes over silly and immediately making the actor feel like they are on rails (which we are for the whole game – but the game doesn't need to e'er exist reminding u.s.a. of this). As a narrative the tight focus on a family in the midst of such a conflict might take worked, but really it doesn't. Instead we get a tired and surprisingly bored story rolled out over missions which rarely excite or thrill. With the other games there are several levels that I tin can e'er return to for how much fun they are to play, only with Ghosts I do non think at that place is one that I felt this fashion. Indeed at i indicate I Googled to see how many missions the game had, just so I knew if I could confront pushing on through them – seeing I only had 2 left, I preserved.

This is not down to a fan-boy complaint (my days of buying this game on even year 1, far less solar day one, are long gone) but just a elementary ascertainment: in terms of gameplay and narrative, information technology actually feels nobody had the energy for this. Technically it looks skillful, but the music doesn't add as much, and the gameplay choices (and lack of choices) are poor – even for those who love the campaigns in the other games, this just comes over like going through the motions. On the other game modes, the aliens one didn't inspire me. More than annoying though is survival; information technology was so great in MW3 but here I but couldn't get into it despite my efforts. Squads seems like a massive waste material of time (if you desire to play against 5 bots and a human, why not just play against 6 bots offline?).

Multiplayer I had limited exposure to, merely I found information technology perfectly okay for a quick game hither and there – but noticeably never felt the passion or addiction I one time did. The maps are more and more circuitous and the vast majority are too large for the blazon of intense conflict I used to love in COD4. This in turn ways that the fun and sheer sense of contest is very much gone from the game. In COD4 the killstreaks were simple and not such an obsession – okay nosotros are far from the "nuke chasing" days of MW2, and I appreciate that the killstreaks and scoring methods is trying to force people to play the games, not play for personal kills – but it is too fiddling too late, they shaped the community too well years before. I even so pick information technology upward occasionally because I liked the "offline" version of online with bots and the silliness of "levelling up" removed, simply even still information technology is not really a game with heart.

When I bought this game, I did worry a footling that perhaps it would trigger COD addiction, and Xbox Gold, and days lost to prestiging again; no such take chances with Ghost. It is a game that actually lacks enthusiasm in itself, and therefore has none to share with the player. Characters are weak, narrative is hollow, and gameplay never gets the heart pumping. Multiplayer continues the overblown, impale- obsessed path, and, despite some chances to address this, ultimately it never feels like anyone is trying to win the game so much as only pad their k/d ratio, become their killstreaks, and not really care and then much as grind – accordingly, the game does takes the same approach.

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ix /10

Good game, not worth the hate

Alarm: Spoilers

Now i am a HUGE fan of CoD games. I accept played pretty much every CoD game bachelor for the PS3 and presently enough for the ps4.

I bought this pretty much as soon equally it came out. I was very excited to play it and i have to admit that it didn't disappoint me. I know quite a few people who have played CoD games and chosen them 'repetitive' but i really didn't think it was. There were many different scenarios that y'all didn't have in the previous games. For case in one of the first missions yous are in space.

None of the CoD games or any games in fact that i've played have e'er been in space shooting enemies.

The content in information technology isn't really that bad... Yes at that place's claret splattered when the guys are shot and the scenes where Riley *an regular army canis familiaris* jumps on an enemy and kills them which could be seen every bit 'scary'. But in my opinion information technology isn't equally bad every bit a lot of games i've seen and played. Another problem is there isn't a content blocker though every bit i said in that location isn't much swearing nor that much blood.

I would recommend to a lot of people if they like FPS *first person shooters*. If you like games which there volition be a skillful storyline, a lot of shooting, a lot of enemies and no QTE'south and then this game is perfect for y'all. The storyline if pretty easy to follow and i didn't struggle in finding my manner. Information technology's pretty much... Follow the enemies and you'll get to your checkpoint...

There are some abrasive things in information technology though. One of the kickoff matter which is no fault of the game is the damn lag... If you take a laggy console like me yous'll end up raging like mad *trust me... i ain't lying* Another problem is it'southward a pretty quick game *im a gamer and have been for around one yr and a scrap at present* i could complete the game in my outset become in around 2-iii days. I find this with pretty much all the CoD games.

The good things are the graphics are really proficient, the voice interim is perfectly chosen and the game is really really actually skillful. Even if y'all accept no friends *similar me* and have to play single role player on the storyline. It's very fun to play

I give information technology a 9/x every bit it'southward a good game merely isn't perfect... Would recommend to anyone. Def worth the coin and the time to purchase information technology and complete it

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2 /10

Not merely worst Call of Duty--worst game I've e'er played

Alert: Spoilers

The only thing stopping me from giving this game a 1 out of x is that the space level was fun. Nothing else about this game was even remotely fun. Many people give Telephone call of Duty a stereotype that they're all the same and it's just shooting people to kill time to make the levels long enough. That only holds truthful for this game. I love Telephone call of Duty. The Modern Warfare games are some of my favorite games and I enjoyed Black Ops, just honestly, later Mod Warfare 3, I didn't await much from the adjacent games, but I always gave each new installment a risk. I did the same with this game, only instantly regretted it. This game was absolutely atrocious. The story was horrendous, forced, and poorly executed and the multi role player was the worst I've e'er seen in whatsoever game.


The good matter near Infinity Ward games was that each one added something new, no thing how pocket-sized. MW1 had went from WWII to modern day and we got to see what our armed forces is going through in Afghanistan. It had new weapons like Javelins and Stingers, it had all out fighting missions and enough stealth missions to balance them, they had ghillie suits, a nuclear bomb, and nuclear missiles, which had never been done before.

MW2 took it 1 step further. It had all out fighting missions and some stealth missions, information technology had Javelins and Stingers but in unlike circumstances, it also added the Predator Drone and had the player fighting in the Usa. You lot were fighting in neighborhoods in Virginia and in Washington DC. The sight of the Washington Monument, the White Business firm, and Capitol Building nether siege hit home for the players and fabricated us identify with the Rangers. Information technology too threw in that twist ending that gear up MW3, had new weapons and sights, amped upwards the multi histrion, and added specials ops. MW2 built upon the foundation that MW1 set and raised the bar non just for Telephone call of Duty, but for all starting time person shooter games.

MW3 didn't add very much, but it had yous fighting all over Europe also as America. You were in New York, Bharat, Africa, Europe, Siberia, and Saudi arabia. That's one of the elements that is needed to brand games great: location. Yous're all over the map in the Modern Warfare trilogy and fifty-fifty in the Black Ops games. In Ghosts, you spend most of the time in California in the exact aforementioned place doing the exact aforementioned affair. Every level is either the same as the one before it or the aforementioned every bit a level from a different Call of Duty game, just worse. The introduction is ridiculous and unrealistic, the wink back is unnecessary and only there to make the game long enough, the cliffhanger ending is irritating and has been washed before in and so many other games that when you see information technology here, it's but abrasive. And its an endeavor by the game makers to have their audience keep buying their games, which they won't subsequently this.

Multi actor

Multi role player was terrible. This is the get-go time that only two people can get on multi player. Not just for online play, but for local play. Only two people tin can play each other at once, for team death lucifer, bots, and extinction. Some of the best parts of Telephone call of Duty are the multi histrion where people tin have fun by killing each other. What utilize is it when a group of friends gather and just two people can play at the same time? That's not fun.

I don't know why Infinity Ward took the Bots idea from Treyarch, simply they did and they completely butchered it for Ghosts. The bots are ridiculously hard, fifty-fifty on Recruit difficulty. Recruit on this game is like veteran on Black Ops.

Extinction seemed like Infinity Ward was trying to combine survival with Gears of War aliens. Y'all just go around and destroy alien hives with weapons that do nothing confronting nearly indestructible aliens. Why they sprung for this and Bots instead of spec ops and survival is beyond me.

It's like they didn't even try with this game, but recycled levels and ideas from by games and made them worse. Do not waste your money or time on this game. It is not worth information technology

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7 /10

3D nVision review and gameplay

Hi all its Ratcat here your nVision 3D reviewer. OK lets go started. On a high end PC with a late Video card (GTX780) with 3 GB VRAM and half-dozen GB system RAM this game performs quite poorly. Loading times are insufferable. The atmosphere they have produced is supposed to await real because as we all know many game developers go for overly (not entirely realistic) colourful environments but the devs in this case have done the reverse. The scenery is mostly too dour to be conceivable, although there is a feature nether 'Advanced Graphics options' to turn off Colour-blind control which certainly gives a bit more color to the environments. NVidia recommend that you lot do non play in 3D but I found it quite playable except the dog looked like an apparition with strange vertical lines and ghosting (no pun intended). Unfortunately every time you start a new game from where you left off y'all cannot play in 3D until you lot get into advanced graphics options make any modify then reverse it and relieve, this causes the game to become through another load which as stated tin take quite a while. There is a new feature where you are able to control an assail domestic dog and actually run into through his eyes (wow they must have idea for ages to cotton on to that one!) Every bit I take stated in the by. My thought of a bang-up game is one that you lot simply cannot put down, with C.O.D it is a struggle to go on playing without your mind drifting off to "Hmm did I buy plenty bananas to last the week?" The biggest thwarting is the bland repetitive game-play. Observe enemies shoot, kill and movement on. There are moments through the game when you find yourself engrossed to a betoken simply then y'all are spirited back to reality while yous look for the adjacent map to load. Games accept lost the sense of exploration and adventure these days. Thankfully I waited a long time earlier I went out and purchased this game at nigh one/3rd the original cost which I believe is all information technology is worth. Maybe play information technology in one case just for the halibut (come across what I did there?) For such a hyped game it is really a disappointment. Yous wait for a map to load - play for five minutes so wait an eternity for the next map to load. I did not attempt the multi-player merely if you practise, go for standard 2D every bit 3D will slow your PC downwardly besides much therefore leaving you at a distinct disadvantage... IE: Lag volition kill you in a frags notice. 7 out of 10 rubber chickens

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3 /10

The good old days are gone

I have played ghost enough to give it the review information technology deserves. I must say, society is so delusional that we call back that whenever a new call of duty game is released that we are taking a step forwards, just information technology is the contrary. The campaign is unprecedentedly brusk, seriously, it took me 5 and a one-half hours to beat out on hard with 18 missions. Just no one really cares about the campaign? A lot do actually. I can retrieve when I played world at war and the offset mod warfare, the pinnacle of the COD series. I would replay missions to the point where my game time was mostly merely campaign. The campaign is actually one 3rd of each COD game so it does matter. To add, there was no meaning or purpose in the story, at least mw3 did follow up with some background. Squads is nil special, merely an extension of survival from mw3 mixed with online strangers equally enemies or friends. I'd advise this game mode with friends you know for a better time. The multi thespian...information technology obviously has problems since the game is quite new only hopefully infinity ward isn't still a greedy franchise hoarding money from game addicts and finally gives a damn about the community to fix them. To name a few: enemy players spawning up my ass, the obvious lag, game freezing up (my ps4 is only fine and the deejay is un scratched), yay host migration and there are people already trying to hack the damn game. There is zilch special about COD ghost, they should title information technology mw3 ii.0 because it is and then similar, it's like Infinity ward spent x months scratching their ass and the side by side 2 months rushing like a procrastinating loftier school educatee. Luckily I hadn't bought the game just but rented it for free from my local library. Get your act together IW, your loyal fans are waiting for when yous actually produce something decent.

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four /x

I only gave it a iv star for the campaign

The merely good thing I have to say about this game was the campaign. All the multiplayer maps where horrible, extinction was horrible confusing and boring. I would've gave the campaign a five star if they didn't exit us on that cliff hanger that they never finished.

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four /10

The Series Has Hit An All-time Depression.

Warning: Spoilers

Earlier I completely trash Phone call Of Duty Ghosts,permit me state that I have never hated on the Call Of Duty series as of to date. That all inverse with Infinity Wards first COD game since the Modern Warfare Serial ended dorsum in 2011. Now again like I said I have never despised Call Of Duty or purposely non played it. I have given information technology chance subsequently take chances but in reality the truth is the COD games take been rapidly getting worse and worse since Mod Warfare iii.

Information technology actually does baffle me how the developers over at Infinity Ward were satisfied with Ghosts come up the release date. The last game that proved COD even so had it was Black Ops I and that was only considering they based the campaign on the Common cold War Years. Judging on Black Ops II and Modernistic Warfare 3,s Plots it seems that both the Writers of the story and the developers don,t really know what there doing. Apart from the exception of Modern Warfare I and 2 at that place original story'south are weak and information technology gets even worse with Ghosts.

The Campaign takes identify 10 years later on a devastating mass event, the nation's borders and the balance of global power have been redrawn forever. A superpower no more, its economic system destroyed and its Authorities in ruins. a mysterious group known only as "Ghosts" leads the fight dorsum against a newly emerged, technologically-superior global power.

Now permit me tell yous whats incorrect with the Entrada. To put it simply its uninteresting. Its a Plot that has already been done many times before. In that location's no real originality to the Plot or the Missions. The Characters don't help either. There dorsum story's and personalities are and so "Wooden" that it makes it impossible for you to care for them. As ever the gameplay too has not changed with more than quick-time events than e'er earlier which is more of a nuisance than satisfying. The campaign isn't even worth playing if I'one thousand honest. The all-time fun lies with the Multiplayer and non fifty-fifty that is enough for this game to be considered good.

The Online experience is what y'all would expect. its much more fun and entertaining than the boring Blackness Ops 2's online gameplay. The guns have vastly improved in the Assault and Sub Auto Gun categories as well equally the kill streaks but sadly the errors overcome these Positives. Once over again the Maps are poorly Designed. The Graphics are awful and many times I found my self frustrated over the lag Issues and the multiple Hackers that disrupt the overall feel.

Ghosts has its fun moments from fourth dimension to time but overall its a poorly produced game that judging by the sales and then far has more often than not destroyed the time to come of the series. To be frank your best off avoiding this. the Price is much also expensive for a few enjoyable moments and there is much meliorate options out there. Call Of Duty may exist no more.....

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1 /ten

Why ghosts? Cause CODs expressionless and it'south the terminal piece of sh*t COD I'll ever buy

Alert: Spoilers

I had boilerplate expectations for this game after what happened with BO2. Played it and guess what happened? It's the WORST COD ever made.


Mediocre storyline, extinction kinda flopped, and did I mention the stupidity of the MP? I LOLed at their "devastation" at E3. Get BF3, BF4, GTA, or any other game. Or even get back to BO2. They're all 10x improve than this piece of sh*t game.

Overall terrible copy and paste game, stupid MP, and pathetic devastation. STAY Away FROM THIS GAME!!

Butthurt however, COD fan boys?

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10 /10

Cod Ghosts

Warning: Spoilers

I know this game is hated on a lot, similar a lot. And there are ups and downs to this game. Now I'thou just going to be straightforward, extinction, that was a bad thought I'chiliad non even going to argue with that.

The Campaign Now this is, in my stance one of the all-time campaigns I have e'er played. You go to connect with the characters while also working together as a family. Not only that but you do everything in this game. Wether it'southward fighting off sharks so your non eaten live by them. Or sneaking on skyscrapers and quietly killing people, or playing as a freakin domestic dog. You do everything. Yes the ending was a piffling flake dark and leaving people on edge. But now that everybody treats this game similar crap I don't recollect we are going to see a new cod ghosts. I loved the whole whole thought of being outnumbered but your as stealthy as ghosts that you take them all out ane by i. You as well learn about betrayal, a lot of betrayal. You see your family dice right in front of you. You witness what brainwashing someone does to them. Overall I though the entrada was pretty fix and stone. Give thanks you cod ghosts for an amazing campaign.

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2 /10

Thoroughly Disappointing

Alert: Spoilers


Worst Telephone call of Duty game to date.

The campaign is an exact copy of Modern Warfare 2, fifty-fifty ends in the aforementioned mode. Catastrophe was mode to predictable and I found the characters, with the exception of Keegan, very annoying. The simply enjoyable mission was the one where y'all were on the Space Station, the rest were boring. Campagin couldn't live up to the first-class one in Modern Warfare two & 3. Campagin: four/10

Extinction fashion also fails to live up to expectations. It was just a re-hash of Black Ops Zombies (which was fantastic). Map was awful, and some of the aliens were virtually incommunicable to kill. Extinction: 2/x

Multiplayer is by far the WORST characteristic of the entire game. Firstly, carve up screen is express to ii players instead of 4. Infinity Ward has adopted the Black Ops system of everything is unlocked immediately, unlike previous games, defeating the purpose. The maps are terrible. The spawn points are to close to each other: if yous die, you will spawn and immediately die over again. There are too many perks, not enough guns or camouflages and the grenades are just terrible. The AIs are ridiculously strong, fifty-fifty on Recruit difficulty. One shot and you are dead, but multiple bullet hits volition not kill them. Absolutely stupid. Multiplayer: 1/ten

Overall, this game is thoroughly disappointing. There are no redeeming features in this game. I was a big fan of Call of Duty: I've played all CoDs and loved them. This has just ruined the series for me. I will not exist buying whatever in the future. Don't waste your money!

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This is an actual review. Please read (spoilers)

Warning: Spoilers

Overall, I requite this game eight out of 10. I'll suspension information technology up into the three categories: campaign, multiplayer, and extinction.

CAMPAIGN: The story and concept behind the campaign I felt was very well made. Most of the engineering and military light is either real today or currently being adult, such as the ODIN space station. However, I feel that this game, and call of duty in general, is starting to slide more towards the movie style of writing. This in turn affects gameplay, story, and the concepts behind them. The game is very scripted, and there is not a lot of the "complimentary roam" that others CODs accept had. The game has also many plot twists and is very confusing, as the main antagonist seems to survive everything that is thrown his way.

MP: The multiplayer in this game compared to previous installments is good, but non great. About of the guns are overpowered, and they are all available for purchase right from the start, which can exist frustrating to those being killed. The maps have a lot of corners and tight chokepoints, which can be hard to maneuver around, even with the new lean organization. I like that virtually of the kill streaks are ground-based, but some of these are a little bit overpowered.

EX: Extinction feels like a very sloppy remake of both survival mode from MW3 and zombies from the black ops series. Information technology likewise pulls mechanics from left for dead, also equally dead rise. Afterwards a wild, the game feels very redundant, and starts to lose its touch on. Extinction limits yous to but have 6000 points, or dollars, at a fourth dimension. This makes for some very annoying purchases of weapons and attachments.

I think that COD: Ghosts at its core is a good game, but could use a lot of comeback. Replay value high, only non as high as BO2 or MW2.

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8 /10

Original, distinctive and fun

Original, distinctive and decently written campaign and characters. COD Ghosts does its best to change upwardly the repetitive run and gun formula and I call up they legitimately tried accomplishing that this fourth dimension around. The campaign has a neat variety of different missions whether it's driving a tank, fighting in space, avoiding shark attacks, playing equally a dog or piloting choppers. It's very fun and although COD has a poor reputation among hardcore gamers, it's a thrill for both coincidental and hardcore gamers, whether the hardcore gamer wants to admit this or not. There is something hither for everyone which is why Call of Duty is such a successful franchise.

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nine /ten

With the DLC, 9/10. Without the DLC.......two/10.

When it comes to playing the multiplayer in this game, I remember it's sooo much fun if your playing the DLC maps online. Fog, Ruins, Start, Departed, Wildcat, Dynasty, all peachy DLC maps.

HOWEVER, if yous don't have the DLC. The multiplayer sucks donkey lol. Launch maps are disgustingly awful except for Strikezone and Freight.

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8 /10


Such an improvement from the crappy black ops duo treyarch put out. Campaign-vii why: not as good as the mw series only it is quite enjoyable. Multiplayer-ten why: the multiplayer is absolutely brilliant from the maps to the gameplay to the weapons. Such a keen multiplayer. Extinction-7 why: non quite as skilful as survival or zombies but however a solid bonus game style. Enjoyable to an extent but really frustrating at times. Overall: eight/10 Actually skilful other notes: Call of duty ghosts is a game that must be played through to enjoy its not like the mw serial where you can simply choice information technology up and outset loving it immediately. You have to play through it to find it enjoyable.

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